Grouchy Ladybug,
Grouchy Ladybug
(To the tune of "Darling, Clementine"
based on the Eric Carle book).

Grouchy ladybug, grouchy ladybug.
You like aphids to eat.
Why are you so very grouchy?
We wish you were nice and sweet!
Grouchy ladybug, grouchy ladybug,
You tried to fight a whale
But you thought he wasn't big enough
'Till he slapped you with his tail!"
Grouchy Ladybug, Grouchy Ladybug,
You have learned to be kind.
I am happy you are kind.
Now you won't be left behind.

I'm a Little Ladybug
(to the tune of "I'm A Little Teapot")

I'm a little ladybug on the go,
Landing on an arm, and now an elbow.
See me fly 'round and 'round your hand,
Now watch as on your thumb I land.
I'm a little ladybug searching for some toes,
But instead I'll simply land on your nose.
Now I look around and head for your hair,
I muss it up a bit, then pat it down with care.
I'm a little ladybug looking for a knee,
I'm just so happy you're not bugged by me.
Now you see me heading for your chest,
This little ladybug needs some rest.

Ladybug, Ladybug
(to the tune of "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear")

Ladybug, ladybug:
turn around.
Ladybug, ladybug: touch the ground.
Ladybug, ladybug: read the news.
Ladybug, ladybug: go upstairs.
Ladybug, ladybug: say your prayers.
Ladybug, ladybug: turn out the lights.
Ladybug, ladybug: say good night.

Five Little Ladybugs
(finger counting rhyme)

Five little ladybugs climbing on some
Eating the aphids, but not the ants.
The first one said, "Save some aphids for me."
The second one said, "They're as tasty as can be."
The third one said, "Oh, they're almost gone."
The fourth one said, "Then we'd better move on."
The fifth one said, "Come on, let's fly!"
So they opened up their wings and flew off toward
the sky.
~ All songs on this page

Webpage © Taryn Campbell