Each Ladybug beetle flits,
flies and flings
And travels along on her small, quiet wings.
They're noticed by authors and poets who write
Of their journeys through nature in sunny delight.
On a new flower petal
is Sweet Mary Jane,
And Queenie, who hurries on walks in the rain.
There's Bright Wings and Dotty, and Dolly and Joan;
Miss Rembrandt who goes off along on her own.
They have
morning meetings and parties for fun,
Recitals and contests to learn what they've won.
They're painted and sketched by the artists who show
Of their places in pictures for children to know.
come, all you ladies, and brighten my day.
Please join me, and fly to me, now on your way;
And know of all creatures that I've come to see,
That your show of colors is perfect for me!"
~ Copyright © Marlene Glaus ~
Used With Permission

Webpage © Taryn Campbell