I work full-time but I'm also
a homebody, so the Internet is really my connection / lifeline
to the outside world. Computers opened up a surprisingly
creative outlet
for me.....one I never even realized I needed.
I'm certainly no
expert at this computer stuff but I have
learned a lot and, hopefully, improved as
well since I first began doing this in 1998.
Even more important: I've had SO much fun, and that's really what it's all
about... right?
Oh! You're still here?
Wow, I'm flattered, and I really hope you're enjoying my
humble little corner of the Web.
I'm always adding new things (and tidying up the existing
pages), so please feel free to
check back every once-in-awhile and see what's new.
~ (If
anyone had told me that a website is like a
fixer-upper house,
I don't
think I would've been brave enough to tackle it)!
Questions /
Comments about my site?
Send me a message!
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